In marketing, three concepts have a close connection.Theyinclude: market, product and 

voluntary exchange between parties (7).

marketing like salespersons, wholesalers, rivals, Raw material suppliers and so force. As we 

marketing. That used in many companies and organization, but in the globalization age,

know,the concept of marketing is constantly redefined. Marketing defines activities that 

our lives and without smart phones, our lives maybe seem too hard. Emerging new products 

Defined this way, the market is not necessarily a geographical location. Products and services 

Keywords:Marketing, Marketing Strategic, Marketing Mix, Modern Marketing, Role of 

are purchased over the phone, through mail and electronic mail, as well as online through the 



and its role and place at the companies and organizations.

• The seller agrees to supply the goods or the service.

the concept of modern marketing,role and characteristicsand challenges of its usage in 

framework. Marketing is a term that is used in various contexts and a baseline understanding 

establish a common point of reference in regards to marketing issues within a modern 

companies and firms.

 Marketing is a processthat affectour lives. We are consumers, but many of us are part of 

another concept is created that called modern marketing. In this article we tried to examine 

 World is constantly changing. Creating new industries and products show this fact. A few 


years ago, speed of these changes, maybe was every couple of years or every decade, But 

was not any kindof them. Before 2007, nobody even thinks that one day someone will make 


now, every year or every month we are seeing new goods and products that in the past there 

marketing. So in the globalization age, we need to consider the concept of modern marketing 

►Market:A market is an arrangement between a seller and a buyer in which:

needs new markets and finding new markets needs new marketing that called modern 

• The buyer agrees to pay the price.

create value through exchange between parties. This concept is a traditional definition of 

is essential. The term marketing is used to describe activities that create value through 

phones that work with touching our hands. But today, these phones are inseparable partsof 

Ramin Rahnama 1

Modern Marketing

1-2 M.A Students in Science of Marketing Management.Islamic Azad University, Rasht.Iran

 While it may seem un-necessary to start out discussing basic marketing it is important to 

Ali Hossein Beiki 2



The market sharefor a company or a product is the value of the total sales for that product or 

is too limited a view of the tasks that marketers perform. Just as production and logistics 

term goals and objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action and the 

That is shown how strategies for target markets and positioning build upon the firm’s 

responses to marketing and profitability. The company should put its effort into those market 

particular purpose. Chandler (1962) sees a strategy as “the determination of the basic long

of a company. Marketers are skilled in stimulating demand for their products.However, this 

be satisfied by existing products), declining demand (lower demand), irregular demand 

According to definitions marketing management is seen as a social and managerial process 

market sales claimed by the product or the company.( 14).

campaign or skill in planning or managingany affair well, or a plan or policy designed for a 

focus.These segments according to Kotler et al (1999) differ in their needs and wants, 

differential advantages. It should detail the market segments on which the company will 

►Product:People satisfy their needs and wants with products. A product is any offering 

seek to influence the level, timing, and composition of these various demand states (8).

Dictionary defined a ‘strategy’ as art of planning and directing an operation in a war or 

management. They may have to manage negative demand (avoidance of a product), no 

segment it can best serve from a competitive point of view.It should develop a marketing 

 Each business unit needs to define its specific mission within the broader company mission. 

● Marketing Mission

allocation of resources necessary to carry out the goals”(3). To Daft (1988) strategy is the 

Marketing strategy according to Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders and Wong (1999) is the 

unhealthy or dangerous products). To meet the organization’s objectives, marketing managers 

demand (lack of awareness or interest in a product), latent demand (a strong need that cannot 

overfull demand (more demand than can be handled), or unwholesome demand (demand for 

professionals are responsible for supply management, marketers are responsible for demand 

that can satisfy a need or want, such as one of the 10 basic offerings of goods, services, 

by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, 

Marketing Strategic

strategy for each targeted segment.

desired by a set of consumers, as well as the marketing of those goods and services on behalf 

According to Kotler(2001), marketing strategic planning includes seven segments:

marketing logic by which the business unit hopes to achieves its marketing objectives.

experiences, events, persons, places, properties, organizations, information, and ideas (12).

plan of action that prescribes resource allocation and other activities for dealing with the 

 Strategy is viewed in different ways by various authorities. The Oxford Advance learner’s 

►Marketer: A person whose duties include the identification of the goods and services 

(demand varying by season, day, or hour), full demand (a satisfying level of demand), 

environment and helping the organizationattain its goals(15).

the company divided by the total sales in the market. It represents the proportion of the total 

and exchanging products of value with others (9).

Thus, a television studio-lighting-equipment company might define its mission as the

company aims to target major television studios and become their vendor of choice for 

● SWOT Analysis

as the company gets larger and expands outside its initial area. As the company gets larger 

strengths and weaknesses in marketing, financial, manufacturing, and organizational 

economic, technological, politicallegal, and socialcultural) and microenvironment actors

on is making healthy food more readily available and cheaper than normal health food stores. 

thru concept is unique with very few health oriented drive-thru restaurants in theUnited 

►Opportunities: One of the primary marketing opportunities Trader Jane’s can capitalize 

competencies. Clearly, the business does not have to correct all of its weaknesses, nor should 

it gloat about all of its strengths. The big question is whether the business should limit itself 

● External Environment Analysis

regional variations, this is more difficult with a centralized management team. 

Trader Jane’s can also take advantage of Traders Joe’s purchasing power and offer their 

 The overall evaluation of a business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is 

►Strengths:Trader Jane’s can take advantage of the Traders Joe’s name and reputation. 

permitting local modifications due to legal or client regional differences. Trader Jane’s will 

►Weaknesses: While centralized management is strengthin many areas, there is a weakness 

be selling products that already exist at Trader Joe’s and these products are perceived in the 

Ingeneral, a business unit has to monitor key macroenvironment forces(demographic

opportunities and threats.

any smaller local or regional competitors. Trader Jane’s, like Trader Joe’s, is privately held 


West Coast attitude and possibly may need to alter its marketing strategy to account for 

called SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis consists of an analysis of the external and internal 

expenditure. Also, time differences and culture can become a factor; in the Northeast, people 

are more formal; in the South business tends to move slower. Trader Jane’s is inheriting the 

products at a price point that is competitive with other major fast food restaurants. The drive 

States. Drive thrucertainly exist, and many offer some healthy alternatives, but most of the 

and expanding at a controlled pace. This gives Trader Jane’s a geographical advantage over 

they will have to build regional distribution centers and needs to plan for this eventual capital 

(customers, competitors, distributors, and suppliers) that affect its ability to earn profits 

opportunities to acquire or develop certain strengths.

with no franchises. This strength allows for centralized upper management while still 

market as both high quality and priced competitively. The leadership at Trader Joe’s has 


● Internal Environment Analysis

This is a major strength in the markets where Trader Joe’s exists. Trader Joe’s is in 21 states 

to those opportunities in which it possesses the required strengths or considerbetter 

consistently grown the business and expanded its market and client base. 

lighting technologies that represent the mostadvanced and reliable studio lighting 

succeed in these opportunities. Thus, each business needs to periodically evaluate its internal 

 It is one thing to discern attractive opportunities and another to have the competencies to 

.Then, for each trend or development, management needs to identify the associated marketing 

healthfood restaurants do not offer any drivethruservice. 

Too be continued:


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