3 Secret Ways To Get A Job In Nigeria

You might be wondering the 3 secret ways to get a job in Nigeria that I am about to list, that is new in all the articles you have read before. The fact that about 10% of unemployed graduates know it still makes it a secret. It will end up being a secret when everyone gets to know about it.
About 90% of people searching for jobs don’t know about these 3 secret ways to get a job in Nigeria that I am about to list. It might sound new to some people; while to some others, it will sound like some “old gist.” Either way, you just have to read it and put it into practice.

Recruitment Agencies

This will be the first time I will write about these “people.” Have you ever stayed in your house and you get a call asking you if you can work in so and so company? If NO! That is the beauty of having a link with Recruitment Agencies
These agencies most times advertise jobs like they are the ones recruiting, but according to insider facts, most selections are done with people who already have their CV with them. Failure to find suitable candidates will now make them throw the job offer to the public. Why worry about job search, when someone can bear the stress for you?
All you have to do is to locate most of these agencies online.
Fill out appropriate sections and drop the best CV and Cover Letter you can ever design with them. In extreme cases, hook up with them and sell yourself personally to them. You can then “Sit back” and select jobs from the numerous they will present to you.

Offline Job Agents

These guys are included in my 3 secret ways to get a job in Nigeria because they will surely get you a job no doubt. They have a large network that will take you years to have. They have a long list of job vacancies that they only share to job seekers under them.
Having a pact with a Job agent is great because he moves from one company to another and he keeps getting insider information as regards job vacancies in numerous firms. Before you see the job listing on your favorite job website, it might only be that they are looking for a more qualified candidate than the person he presented.
All you need do is to source for them. Discuss with them reach an agreement with them, then sit back and select from the list of jobs he will present to you.
N.B: For high salary searchers, this might not be for you.

Insider’s Information

Wondering why I included it in the secret ways to get a job in Nigeria? The truth is that only an insider will give you a tip of what is about to go down in the company. Having an insider connection gives you the advantage over all others that just stumbled on the job advert.
All you need do is to establish a connection with them. There are several places you can relate with “REAL” working professionals, but the most popular of them all is Linkedin.
The real deal about Linkedin is that you have an idea about their workplace and status.
You can establish connections with them
You can send personal emails to them. Tell them about your vision, abilities and what value you can add to a company.
Ask them how you can go about working or submitting your CV with their firms. Once the relationship is right, they won’t easily forget you when something that fits you comes up. It worked for me, and I believe it can work for you too!

These secret proven methods are working. It is up to you to present yourself through a well-detailed CV and a Killer Cover letter. You learn to write it by clicking this link 



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